North Carolina Auto Insurance Requirements: What You Need to Know

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Make no mistake about it. You are legally required to have auto insurance to drive a car in North Carolina. Just like in many states, you will open yourself up to a plethora of legal problems and costs if you do not keep coverage.   Finding the ideal coverage is not too toug [...]

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What Is Gap Insurance On a Car?

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Buying a new or slightly used car can be an exciting time. Driving your new vehicle off the lot after negotiating and signing all the paperwork can feel like a major victory. Unfortunately, during all the excitement you may forget some of the smaller details of buying a car, like gap i [...]

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How Much Should I Be Paying for Car Insurance?

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The price of car insurance is subjective. There are minimums that every driver must maintain depending on their state. However, what you pay to carry those minimum requirements depends on you, as the driver. That being said, each insurance company may choose where to raise prices and w [...]

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How to Shop for Home Insurance

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Your home is your castle. For many people, their house is their most valuable asset and the largest portion of their investment portfolio. It’s also where they spend the majority of their time. Our homes often reflect who we are. From the art on the wall to the flowers out front, a h [...]

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