How Much Is Car Insurance For A 16-Year Old In North Carolina?

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

For a 16-year old to drive legally in North Carolina, he/she must carry car insurance. Ideally, teens are the most expensive to insure. Their lack of experience and proneness to accidents makes them high-risk drivers. Car accidents are the major cause of death for teens aged 15 to 20 y [...]

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What Is The Cheapest Car To Insure?

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Buying a new car is quite an investment. Whether it’s new or used, it’s new to you and sure to put a dent in your bank account. Not to mention, there’s other costs associated with buying a car. You have to think about insurance, maintenance, and more.   But what if the [...]

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Is RV Insurance Cheaper Than Car Insurance?

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

From quaint seaside towns on the Atlantic seaboard, to the towering peaks of the Rocky Mountains, America is just waiting to be discovered. There may be no better way to explore the vastness of our great country than by traveling in your own recreational vehicle. Traveling on the op [...]

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5 Ways To Compare Auto Insurance For New Drivers

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

If you’re a new driver looking for auto insurance, you’ve come to the right place. In this detailed article, we’ll break down a unique process that shows you how to compare auto insurance. Using these ideas, you can almost guarantee you’ll find a good deal.   Ways to [...]

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