How To Get Good Car Insurance Rates in North Carolina

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

When it comes to your car insurance, you want to make sure you are getting good rates for the coverage you want. If you live in North Carolina, you’re already in luck. North Carolina, on average, has the lowest car insurance rates in the United States. The legislature in North Carolina caps auto insurance premiums, laws that make car insurance incredibly affordable for most residents.

If you are looking for the good car insurance rates in North Carolina, there are even more ways that you can save.

Shop around

Shopping around is probably the smart way to ferret out the good insurance rates for you and your vehicle. Car insurance policies are geared towards each person and their vehicle, so simply picking one insurance provider over another doesn’t always work. If you have a little time to spare to do some research, you can find yourself saving hundreds of dollars on your car insurance.

If you haven’t updated your policy in a few years but are happy with your coverage, consider shopping around for a quote anyways. You’d be surprised at how much money you could be saving. Insurance agencies can optimize their prices, which means you may be paying a bigger premium for the same amount of coverage.

Cost factors

Car insurance policy rates are decided using multiple factors. A car insurance agency will look at the model of your vehicle, the year, the type of car you drive, your driving history, and occasionally where you live. Each state has places that are riskier to drive in than others, and living in one of those places may affect your rates.

These factors are weighed differently by each insurance company, so gathering a few quotes can give you an indication of how much you can expect to pay for your insurance policy. Getting a quote online only takes a few minutes, so gathering information is a fairly simple process.


When looking for the right car insurance policy, you’ll also want to consider the company you’ll be getting your policy from. Go with the insurance agencies that have high customer service reviews, as these companies have a history of being there for their policy holders. In addition to savings, you want to make sure the company you work with deserves your money.

Auto insurance in North Carolina

Like other states, North Carolina requires motorists to have a minimum amount of insurance. Oftentimes it is recommended to pay slightly more for your insurance policy for a greater amount of coverage. While you may be paying slightly more over the course of the year, you won’t have to pay as much out of pocket in case of an accident or personal injury.

Auto insurance in North Carolina is affordable, but you may want to shop around to see how much of a discount you can qualify for. Safe drivers can qualify for more discounts, depending on the insurance company they work with. Check with your insurance company to see what kinds of auto insurance discounts you can qualify for in North Carolina.