Everything You Need to Know Before Buying a Motorcycle

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Make no mistake about it. Riding a motorcycle is fun and exhilarating. There’s good reason to want a motorcycle, but before you buy one – you need to do a little research and find out everything you can about buying a motorcycle.

That’s where we come in. We love bikes just as much as you do. Plus, we’ve had the pleasure of cruising around for decades. So let’s dive in and talk about what you need to know before buying a bike.

The First Motorcycle

History is always important. Motorcycle history is no different. The first motorcycle powered by gasoline was called the Petroleum Reitwagen. The bike was designed by famous Germans Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach. The bike was created in 1885.

After that, motorcycles seriously evolved. Nowadays, there are bikes for numerous purposes. No matter what type of bike you want today, you can find it or have one custom made.

Kinds of Bikes

Let’s with some bike basics. There are a plethora of motorcycle types. The five most common types of bikes include:

  • Cruisers
  • Sport Bikes
  • Dual-Sport Bikes
  • Touring
  • Standard Motorcycles

Safety First

Before you buy a motorcycle, you need to think about a few things. First and foremost, safety should always be considered. If you’re buying your first motorcycle, then safety is the only concern.

For new riders, there’s absolutely no reason or benefit to buying a powerful motorcycle. You don’t need a massive Harley or a big sports bike. It’s a lot of power, and for someone with little to no experience – it may be overwhelming at first.

Don’t take our word for it, either. Let’s look at some statistics. According to the NHTSA, motorcycle deaths and engine size breakdown like this:

  • Under 500cc: 6%
  • 500-1,000cc: 40%
  • 1,001-1,500cc: 30%

If you’re a new rider, you significantly reduce your risk of a fatal accident by simply buying a bike that’s under 500cc. There’s no reason to risk it. Start with a bike that has a small engine.

The True Cost of Motorcycle Ownership

Motorcycles offer great value for many riders. When gas prices tend to spike in summer months, motorcycle sales tend to skyrocket, too. People always want to save a buck.

While bikes can be cheaper and often get great gas mileage, the true cost of owning a motorcycle is never that cheap. There are many costs to consider before you buy a bike:

  • The Motorcycle

First and foremost, you’ll need to buy a bike. Motorcycles are certainly cheaper than the average new car, but certain models can get expensive. A beginner bike should typically cost between $5,000-10,000 depending on brand, size, and specs.

  • Maintenance

Motorcycles need a lot of maintenance to stay safe on the road. An average car can last longer between servicing. Your bike will need frequent care. Most motorcycle riders spend between $1,000-1,500 a year on maintenance.

  • Insurance

Insurance for motorcycles isn’t cheap, either. While insuring the bike itself is cheap, the coverage for riders isn’t. Motorcycle crashes are dangerous and cause a lot of harm to the human body. Most riders pay at least $500-1,200 a year for motorcycle insurance.

  • Equipment

You’ll need a helmet. Those run $200-1,000 per. Most riders also get a leather jacket, gloves, boots, and more. New riders should budget around $1,500 for gear that will eventually need to be replaced.

Everything You Need to Know Before Buying a Motorcycle

We love our bikes and would recommend riding to anyone with interest. It’s still important to understand the safety risks and costs of owning a bike before buying one. Happy cruising!