Can you get Part-Time Insurance for Your RV?
Thursday, September 27, 2018
There’s nothing like the freedom of the open road. And if you love the open road, you probably love recreational vehicle travel. Recreational vehicles – also known as RVs – are great companions for people and families that like to travel by road.
Whether you’re off for a weekend getaway or embarking on a cross-country road trip, your RV is your home away from home. Take good care of it with the proper insurance.
RV Insurance: Specialized for Your RV
RV insurance is like auto insurance because it provides coverage for the same types of risks. RV insurance may include:
- Liability in case you are responsible for injuring someone or damaging their property.
- OTC (other-than-collision) coverage if the RV is damaged in something other than a collision.
- Collision coverage to repair the RV if it is damaged in a collision with another vehicle or object.
But RV coverage also includes specialized coverage designed for RV life, including part-time or storage coverage, coverage for personal property, and towing in case you break down.
Part-time Coverage for Part-time RV Users
Proper insurance for your RV depends on how you use it. For families that use their RV only during the Summer, part-time coverage is a great option. This type of coverage is also known as storage coverage.
Part-time coverage means you don’t pay for full insurance coverage on your RV while it is in storage or not being used.
OTC (other-than-collision) Losses and Part-time Insurance for Your RV
While your RV is in storage, your coverage is reduced to only OTC (other-than-collision)damages. This minimal coverage is kept on the RV during the time it’s in storage.
OTC (other-than-collision) coverage is essential because it will help protect the RV should anything damage it while it is in storage. Some examples of when part-time coverage is useful are as follows:
- Your RV is in storage for the Winter in an indoor storage facility. The facility suffers from a fire, and your RV is damaged.
- Your RV is stored in the garage at your Summer home. A tornado strikes and damages the garage and the RV.
- While in an outdoor storage facility, your RV is vandalized.
Part-time coverage can save RV owners a bundle in insurance premiums, but, the most important thing to remember about storage coverage is it is only useful while the RV is off the road and not being used.
Part-time RV Coverage in Action
To get a thorough understanding of how part-time RV insurance works, let’s look at an example.
Say you own a Winnebago Vista 26. You use it during the Summer to take your family on vacation. This year you are going to New York to visit Niagara Falls and camp in the Adirondacks. You’ve been prepping the Winnebago by testing the plumbing and electrical systems, getting the battery charged and stocking it with everything you need for the trip.
Before you head out, you contact your insurance agency and tell them about the trip and that you need to put full coverage back on the RV.
Three weeks later, you are home – rested and refreshed from your vacation. You’ve cleaned out the Winnebago, and it’s back in storage. Now it’s time to reduce your coverage again to part-time coverage.
Just like that, you’re only paying for full coverage on the RV when you need it.
When More Than Part-Time RV Insurance is Required
Your RV may be used for fun, but insurance decisions on it should be considered carefully – just as with other assets, such as your home or automobiles.
Remember that recreational vehicles are large, motorized and capable of doing extensive damage if involved in an accident. They are also a significant investment. A new RV can cost anywhere from $25,000 – $200,000.
Further, there may be situations where full RV insurance is required, and part-time coverage won’t suffice. Full RV insurance may be necessary if you are:
- Renting an RV.
- Living in the RV full time.
- Financing your RV with a bank or other lender.
- To meet state insurance requirements.
RV Insurance Coverage: A Must-Have Before You Hit the Road
Before you jump in your RV and hit the road, make sure you have coverage with the right insurance. Whether you are a part-time RV traveler or a full-time road warrior, the proper insurance coverage is necessary to help protect both you and your investment.
To learn more about RV insurance, contact our team at Protective Agency at (877) 739-9367. Our licensed insurance agents will be happy to answer any questions you have.