What Does Liability Motorcycle Insurance Cover?

Friday, January 27, 2017

Many motorcycle riders enjoy hitting the open road. The fresh air and the thrill are priceless for most. However,  riders must obtain motorcycle insurance just in case their bikes meet the pavement in a bad way.

The reality of life is accidents happen. And an accident on a motorcycle can be a dangerous thing. You need to be careful, and you need to have some type of motorcycle insurance in place.


The Basics of Motorcycle Insurance

Motorcycle insurance is similar to car insurance. You need to be covered in some manner if you’re hitting the road. The difference between the two coverage options is motorcycle policies cover riders on:

  • Motorcycles
  • Scooters
  • Mopeds
  • Cruisers
  • ATVs
  • Vintage bikes
  • Motocross bikes
  • Off-road bikes
  • Touring bikes
  • Street-sport bikes

…And more!


How Much Coverage Do You Need?

The amount of motorcycle coverage you need varies from state to state. However, nearly every state requires a minimum amount of coverage. This typically includes bodily injury and property damage liability coverage.

Bodily injury and property damage liability policies will cover you if you’re in an at-fault accident. These policies will pay for any damage you inflict. Certain states also require you have underinsured or uninsured motorist coverage. Personal Injury Protection coverage or no-fault insurance is required in other states.


Types of Motorcycle Insurance

Motorcycle insurance can get complex. There are many different bikes and styles available. As well, each state offers different regulations and limitations. Plus, the open road offers lots of adventures, but one wrong turn on a bike can lead to a lot of trouble.


So here are a few of the different coverage options available:


  • Liability Coverage

Typically, this coverage includes property damage protection and bodily injury. This coverage will ensure you don’t have to pay injury and repair bills for others – if you’re the person at-fault in an accident.

While liability insurance for a motorcycle isn’t a great option, it is required. If you’re considering how much coverage to get, the smart rule of thumb is to buy as much as you can afford. You want to limit your liability as much as you can. Medical bills can add up in a motorcycle accident.


  • OTC (other-than-collision) and Collision

Liability coverage is used to cover another driver’s expenses in the case of an accident you caused. Collision coverage pays your bills after an accident, too. The policies will pay to repair your bike, riding apparel, helmets, and more after an incident.

OTC coverage comes in when the issue isn’t an accident, but a non-collision incident. For example, if your bike is stolen or a tree branch falls on it, then OTC coverage would pay for the damages or replace the motorcycle.


Finding the Right Coverage

If you’re new to motorcycle insurance, then finding the right coverage for your needs can be confusing. That’s where the agents at Protective Insurance Agency come in. We can help you navigate the liability, collision, and OTC motorcycle insurance world.


Need help? contact our team at ProtectiveAgency.com or call (877) 739-9367. Our licensed insurance agents will be happy to answer any questions you have.