5 Tips for Choosing Car Insurance

Friday, November 11, 2016

Selecting the right car insurance policy is never easy. In fact, if you mess it up – you will end up spending hundreds of extra dollars a year for nothing. None of us like to waste money. In fact, most despise the thought of giving insurance companies more cash than they need to.


Still, car insurance is important. You must get the proper coverage for your situation. If you do not, you could end up spending a ton of money on car repairs after an accident—money you could have saved by having a better car insurance policy.


To ensure you avoid wasting money in either scenario, here are a few tips for choosing car insurance:


Know What You Need


Do you need full coverage or liability insurance? Do you want to get a good price on car insurance for your old, old car? Are you sick of doing everything online and looking to work with an insurance company that offers outstanding customer service? Are you interested in a policy for the whole family? Before you buy car insurance, you need to think through these questions. The right policy for you will come down to what you want and need.


Compare and Contrast


Get quotes from several different companies. You need to do your research and hear a number of sales pitches before you narrow things down and make your choice. Compare the rates and see which one gives you some good coverage for a good price. Just remember two things when doing this:


  • Always work with top-rated insurance companies. The last thing you want is to deal with a struggling company who fights back on every single claim.


  • Do not compare apples and oranges. Try to figure out what you want and then get quotes for similar policies.


Your Car Counts


Every type of car will be insured differently. If you have a sports car, then you can expect to pay a premium for your policy. On the other hand, an automobile like a Subaru may find coverage significantly cheaper.


Another factor is the insurance company. Every insurer has their own data on each type of car. One insurer may find that one model is safer, while another has data that says a different one is. Thus, it pays to look around when getting coverage – as every insurance company will have different rates for each type of car.


You Matter


Your car insurance pricing will be determined in part by who you are. For instance, young men typically pay the most for car insurance premiums. Married men often pay less than single men, as they are statistically less likely to have an accident. Your age, driving record, gender, and more all play a role in the auto insurance quotes you receive. Even your credit score can be factored in.


Countless Coverage


There are many different types of car insurance coverage. Liability, collision, OTC (other-than-collision), and more. While the type you choose is up to you, many of these coverages are mandatory while other coverages are required on a state by state basis. Car insurance is required by law in most states, and if you still choose not to purchase any, your driving privileges could be in the balance. Finally, it is a good idea to get an umbrella policy to cover your assets.